Friday, December 8, 2017

Life as we know it, is pretty indescribable. There are things that's never meant to stay the same; just like a known line from a book- change is inevitable. Turning 20 a month from now, 2017 is about to end, and I had my fair share of learning and realizations, that helped me to survive from day-to-day.

December has been part of my favorite month list. Not just because of holidays, festive food, and gift giving, but we get to be excited on what the remaining days of this month has to offer. The thrill and fear, mixed inside me, helps me look forward to every day, knowing there will be something new and twist that may, or may not have an impact in my life. 

No matter how small, or big the occurrences in our life may be, no one is ever too prepared to face it. We don't have backup plans, handy solutions, and the only thing we have is our self and set of learning we had picked up along the way. Trusting yourself and capabilities, despite the setbacks and some negative implications, might help us know where to stand. 

The beauty of this life has to offer is sometimes underrated. Thanks to our experiences, books we've read, shows we've watched, things we've heard. Us, humans, have finally understood the meaning and what it's like to appreciate the man above has given.

Use your skills and talents, to help others and yourself - to reach where you have always wanted to be. Tell the truth, get hurt, learn, regret, and enjoy. Be happy and love genuinely. Feel everything, not all at once, but it's okay to feel these things. Stop stereotyping and just be yourself. 

Love yourself, love to the fullest, and always give your best. Make everything in the remaining days of this month, count. Enjoy 2017, do not wait for the biggest plot twist, do it your way. Failing is always a part, but you won't know what the result is, if you have never tried and took a risk.

You might be wondering, how easy I say all these things, but I, myself have not everything planned out. It's all about perspective and acceptance, which are my key of battling everyday to survive. Try something you have never tried in a long time, or for the first time. Make it memorable and learn from it. 

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