Monday, September 26, 2016

Top from Alison Bel / Skirt from Shortcuts Apparel / Shoes from Converse / Specs from Sunnies

It feels like I'm back after a long hiatus! I totally missed blogging about my looks and thoughts for the day. I've been pretty busy with school, knowing I'm a senior student, I need to juggle my time to study, go on dates, have fun and make every moment as a senior student more memorable.

As much as I'd like to blog about all the photos I've posted on Instagram, I don't have enough time to squeeze in some of my blogging duties which is intended for you guys. That constant battle whether to sleep or blog, has made me realize why not sort all things out? To be honest, I didn't think of blogging about this outfit since I didn't have enough photos to include, but just this morning as I daydream what might happen all throughout the day, I ended up blogging about what my thoughts are. 

When I thought about this very unplanned blog post, I didn't think twice, I turned on the laptop and started editing my photos. I love taking the ootd's of my friends and I capture it the way I wanted mine to happen, so when they finally saw their photos, they tried their best to achieve the photos I've wanted. So shout out to my friends who took these photos, your efforts are very much appreciated. 

No matter how much I tell myself to be active with my blogging duties once again, I still have a lot of factors to consider first. Its actually a nice feeling to pour out my thoughts here in my blog after a month! Midterm week is also fast approaching, which means I'll be extra busy than the usual. 

It really excites me every time I'm about to blog about something, it helps me not to think about thesis deadlines, midterm week is fast approaching, quizzes we need to take and so much more that I need to accomplish for school. Blogging makes me feel like I'm in a whole new different world. 
I'm so glad I was able to be back with blogging again! Despite of my very hectic schedule, I'll try to find an extra time to blog even more. Thank you very much for reading and scrolling until here- have a great day!! 

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